Leadership in Action

Leadership in Action The GLP is based on Torbert’s 40+ years of research (see Torbert & Associates, Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership [Berrett-Koehler, 2004], as well as Seven Transformations of Leadership [April 2005 Harvard...

Aliki Nicolaides

Aliki Nicolaides Dr Aliki Nicolaides is building a learning hub, a point of contact at Global Leadership Associates for new research, and offering opportunities to share experiences of using Global Leadership Profiles and Action Inquiry in practice and in research....
Applying Stages of Adult Developmental Thinking

Applying Stages of Adult Developmental Thinking

Applying Stages of Adult Developmental Thinking to Virtual Teams by Danny Morris We currently live in a world of remote, virtual teams enforced by the corona crisis. The world beyond the pandemic is uncertain but it’s likely that what it means to be part of a team...

Introduction to Vertical Development

Introduction to Vertical Development Free Webinar   Introduction to Vertical Development  Vertical development is rapidly becoming one of the most talked about topics in leadership development and organisational transformation. But what is it? And why is it...

Transformations™ Deck

Transformations™ Card Deck Many GLP consultants are now using the new Transformations™ card deck for students and clients, so that they can self-diagnose their leadership action-logic and explore both patterns in the group and environment. Transformations™ offers a...