Aliki Nicolaides

Dr Aliki Nicolaides is building a learning hub, a point of contact at Global Leadership Associates for new research, and offering opportunities to share experiences of using Global Leadership Profiles and Action Inquiry in practice and in research.

Aliki Nicolaides Ed.D, is Associate Professor of Adult Learning, Leadership and Adult Development at the University of Georgia in the program of Learning, Leadership and Organization Development. Dr. Nicolaides’ seeks to optimize vital developmental conditions for adults, groups and systems to learn. Through years of research and teaching, she has developed a theory of learning-within-ambiguity called “Collaborative Generative Learning”. The results show how adults may also learn from within the complexity.

Dr. Nicolaides pedagogy is grounded in Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry (CDAI); a methodology which consciously develops adult’s collaborative capacity to better respond to the fluidity and complexity of the early 21st century. The complex demands of a rapidly changing, interconnected world require new skill sets. CDAI is part of an emerging learning pedagogy that deliberately helps adults adapt to (and ultimately benefit from) this new global paradigm.




Kwon, C.K., & Nicolaides, A. (2017) Managing diversity through triple-loop learning: A call for paradigm shift. Human Resource Development Review, 1-15

Davis, K.L., Kliewer, B. W., & Nicolaides, A. (In Press). Power and reciprocity in partnerships: Deliberative civic engagement and transformative learning in community-engaged scholarship. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.

Watkins, K., Nicolaides, A., & Marsick, V. J. (2016). Emerging action research traditions: Rigor in practice. International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 7(3), July-September.

Nicolaides, A., & Dzubinski, L. (2015). Collaborative developmental action inquiry: An opportunity for transformation to occur? Journal of Transformative Education, 1-9.

Nicolaides, A. (2015). Generative learning: Adults learning within ambiguity. Adult Education Quarterly 1-17

Nicolaides, A., & McCallum, D. (2014). Triple loop learning from within adaptive challenges. Journal of Transformative Education. 11(4), 246-260

Yorks, L., & Nicolaides, A. (2013). Toward an integral approach for evolving mindsets for generative learning and action in the midst of ambiguity. Teachers College Record, 115(8), 1-26.

Dzubinski, L., Hentz, B., Davis, K. L., & Nicolaides, A. (2012). Envisioning an adult learning graduate program for the early 21st century. Adult Learning, 23(3), 103-110.

Yorks, L., & Nicolaides, A. (2012). A Conceptual model for developing mindsets for strategic insight under conditions of complexity and high uncertainty. Human Resource Development Review, 11(2), 182-202.

Nicolaides, A., & Yorks, L. (2008). An epistemology of learning through. Emergence: Complexity and Organization (E:CO), 10(1), 50-61.

Yorks, L., & Nicolaides, A. (2007). The role of conundrums of co-inquiry action research: Lessons from the field. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 20, 105-116.

Yorks, L., & Nicolaides, A. (2006). Editorial: Complexity and emergent communicative learning: An opportunity for HRD scholarship. Human Resource Development Review, 5, 143-147.

Nicolaides, A., & Kwee, M. (1999). Educating for choice: A PAX adventure. Commentary, educating for the good society. The Journal of Society: National University of Singapore, 15, 59-74.

Book Chapters

Nicolaides, A., McCallum, D. & Yorks, L. (2016). Hijinks and shenanigans: Catching our ego’s in action. In Gunnlaugson, O, & Brabant, M. (Ed.) Cohering the Integral WE Space: Engaging Collective Emergence, Wisdom and Healing in Groups. San Francisco: Integral Publishing House.

Nicolaides, A., & Marsick, V.J, (2015). Understanding adult learning in the midst of complex social: Liquid Modernity. In Tectonic Boundaries: Negotiating Convergent Forces in Adult Education. New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

McCallum D., & Nicolaides, A. (2015). Cultivating intention (as we enter the fray): The practice of embodying presence, awareness, and purpose as action researchers. In H. Bradbury (Ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Action Research, 3ed. London: Sage.

Marsick, V. J., Nicolaides, A., & Watkins, K. (2014). Adult learning theory and application to human resource organization development. In N. Chalofsky (Ed.), Handbook for human resource organization development. London: Sage.

Nicolaides, A. (2014). Learning window. In D. Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller (Eds.), Encyclopedia of action research. London: Sage.

Nicolaides, A. (2014). Tempered radical. In D. Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller (Eds.), Encyclopedia of action research. London: Sage.

Nicolaides, A. & McCallum, D. (2014). Accessing the blind spot: The U process as seen through the lens of developmental action inquiry. In O. Gunnlaugson (Ed.), Perspective on Theory U (pp. 48-60). Albany NY: SUNY Academic Press. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4793-0.ch004

Torbert, W., Livne-Tarandach, R., McCallum, D., Nicolaides, A., & Herdman-Barker, E. (2010). Developmental action inquiry: A distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory practice and research. In S. Esbjörn-Hargens (Ed.), Integral Research in Action (pp. 413-430). Albany NY: SUNY Academic Press.