Tyler Zabriskie

Tyler Zabriskie

I draw on broad leadership experience to help clients find and channel untapped energy, so they can achieve what they want to achieve. Because I believe that excellence comes from being true to our unique perspectives and abilities, I help clients capitalize on what...
Elaine Herdman Barker

Elaine Herdman Barker

Elaine is the co-creator of the Global Leadership Profile and leading authority on assessing and supporting change in leadership action-logics. She leads the Action Inquiry and Certification Workshops as well as the development of the GLP approach and the training of...
Richard Izard

Richard Izard

A disruptor of traditional thinking around leadership and organisational change, Richard challenges the way leaders think and behave. Knowing intimately the challenges leaders face he supports and challenges in equal measure, helping leaders see new possibilities and...
Professor Bill Torbert

Professor Bill Torbert

Principal, Action Inquiry Associates LLC Co-Founder and Director Emeritus, Global Leadership Associates Director, Amara Collaboration Founding Member, Action Inquiry Fellowship Fellow, Organizational Behavior Teaching Society Professor Emeritus, Carroll School of...