Leaving the Ghost Light Burning in partnership with GLA

Book your seat HERE for the Autumn 2024 Leaving the Ghost Light Burning LIVE with Valerie Livesay, in partnership with GLA! *Reduced rate offered to GLA’s Authorized Practitioners* Join us for this live, virtual course through which you will be invited into the...

Numbskull Webinar Series

Numbskull Webinar Series with Professor Bill Torbert Join us as we recap this new webinar series exploring how to read, and enact in our life with others, Bill Torbert’s final book Numbskull in The Theatre of Inquiry: Transforming Self, Friends, Organizations, and...

Scientific Validity of the GLP

Scientific Validity of the GLP The GLP is based on Torbert’s 40+ years of research (see below Torbert & Associates, Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership [Berrett-Koehler, 2004], as well as Seven Transformations of Leadership [April 2005...

Story and Development Theory

Story and Development Theory From amongst our organizational approaches, consider the following: Story and Developmental theory. Nick Owen blends the power of story telling with insights from the GLP to bring about individual and group transformation. Story and...