Book your seat HERE for the Autumn 2024 Leaving the Ghost Light Burning LIVE with Valerie Livesay, in partnership with GLA!

*Reduced rate offered to GLA’s Authorized Practitioners*

Join us for this live, virtual course through which you will be invited into the practice of action inquiry and a deepening experiential understanding of the fluidity of development, in both its moves forward and its fallbacks.  Through this 7-session workshop, the richness of development is revealed as we see it play out in the scenes of our lives.  The Ghost Light/fallback framework uses the metaphor of theater to reveal the fullness of you, allowing you to come into relationship with your more constricted characters and revealing possibilities where before few existed. Booking now for 4th, 6th, 13th, 20th November & 3rd, 5th, 11th December. 

Throughout this seven session course, we will turn on the ghost light within ones self and in so doing we will illuminate our own experiences of fallback—when despite our optimal developmental capacities, what we often refer to as our developmental center-of-gravity, we make meaning, feel, and act from a smaller, less complex, less capable form of mind. In short, when we fall back, we don’t show up our best self for a period of time.

Each session builds upon the one before, so attendance at all is important. Sessions are 2.5 hours except November 4 and December 3 which are 2 hours long*.
November 4*, 8am – 10am PT / 11am-1pm ET  / 4-6 pm UK
November 6, 8am – 10:30am PT / 11am-1:30pm ET  / 4-6:30 pm UK
November 13, 8am – 10:30am PT / 11am-1:30pm ET  / 4-6:30 pm UK
November 20, 8am – 10:30am PT / 11am-1:30pm ET  / 4-6:30 pm UK
December 3*, 8am – 10am PT / 11am-1pm ET  / 4-6 pm UK
December 5, 8am – 10:30am PT / 11am-1:30pm ET  / 4-6:30 pm UK
December 11, 8am – 10:30am PT / 11am-1:30pm ET  / 4-6:30 pm UK

Through this intimate, small group, experiential offering we will identify our scenes of fallback, of grace, and the characters that show up on stage; invite these characters to reveal their origin stories; identify the roles in our lives in which our characters have been cast; discover the story lines that have been written for us and that we have written for ourselves; experiment with becoming the director of our own play; and make it known that all spirits of self are welcome here.


16.5 live, accompanied hours of instruction spread over seven sessions.


Curated, multimodal resources for accessing your inner knowing and understanding it in the context of broader theory. 


Illumination through self-reflection, paired exploration, larger group sense making, learning pods and inquiry labs.


Optional three coaching sessions at reduced workshop rates. 

The Process

  • Seven live, interactive, intimate group sessions incorporating Inquiry Labs, guided by leading fallback theorist and practitioner, Valerie Livesay
  • Multi-modal learning assignments (videos, readings, podcasts, guided exercises) through the online course platform with tools and exercises for coming into relationship with your fallback guided by leading thinkers and practitioners in the adult and leadership development fields

  • Optional three coaching sessions at reduced workshop rate

The Practice

  • Gain a theoretical understanding of fallback and its implications for adult development

  • Deepen your understanding of the interplay of action logics and engage in the practice of action inquiry.

  • Integrate experiential knowing and self-awareness, putting theory into action

  • Learn the steps of coming into relationship with your fallback: Noticing, Reflecting, Identifying Triggers, Recovering, and Growing

  • Identify the scenes in which some of the most complex and most compressed characters in one’s ensemble of self take the stage in leadership and in life

  • Understand the motivations, behaviors, fears, and values of self

  • Discover the necessity and gifts of all of the characters in one’s ensemble

  • Cultivate new characters and welcome back those that have been banished

  • Expand one’s repertoire of behaviors, responses, and options

  • Increase confidence in helping others explore their fallback behaviors, work towards integration of the full self, and unearth opportunities for more consistently meeting their intentions

The Gifts

  • A safe, playful, and profound space to explore the theater and characters of self

  • The capacity to own all parts of self, with self, and with others

  • Increased capacity to make what you have been subject to, object

  • Increased awareness of your own fallbacks and ability to integrate them to reflect, recover, and grow

  • Enhanced consciousness about old scripts that need updating

  • Recognition of the gifts in your full repertoire of characters

  • Tools for allowing more grace and fullness to emerge

  • Ability to notice, name and bring other characters into the dialogue – generously…in the moment

  • Leading with humanity, welcoming self and others more fully into greater wholeness and integration

  • Community, companionship, connection with others on this messy, beautiful human journey

  • A more complete and nuanced understanding of the theory and process of adult development in its journeys both forward and back

  • International Coaching Federation Continuing Coach Education credits (14 hours of Core Competencies and 22 hours of Resource Development)

  • Upon completion, invitations to join the community of Ghost Light Alumni at quarterly, live, virtual events as we continue the practice together

Program fees: US$1,600 for Corporate participants, US$1,300 for independent coaches and consultants and special discounted price of US$1,000 for GLA’s Authorized Practitioners.

ICF Continuing Education Credits: This Workshop has been accredited by the ICF for 14 Core Competencies & 22 Resource Development Credits

I found the Ghost Light/Fallback offering to be a deeply rich and valuable experience. The depth of exploration was valuable and the container for doing this exploration was built beautifully on a foundation of truth and caring. It was a wonderful opportunity to explore and gain very helpful insights into my own cast of characters and to gain insights through both Val’s input and other participants’ journeys and insights. This work is applicable to a number of settings both personally and professionally.

Dr. Dan Kaufman, Developmental Consulting, United States

I am grateful for the many gifts that arose from this thoughtful and skillfully curated experience. Through the course of this journey, I have developed a greater capacity to:

* Notice and name which parts of self are arising and to consciously choose who is best suited to come on to the stage in a given moment.  

* Value the skills my fallback characters have developed over the years and to understand how to better leverage these strengths in a conscious way.

* Connect more openly and vulnerably.  

* Love and accept myself and others more fully in the whole of who we are.

* Recognize and appreciate our shared humanity. 

This has been one of the most transformative and enduring adult development opportunities I have had the privilege to be a part of. I am grateful to Val and my fellow castmates.

Heather Worosz, MCC, Executive Coach, Canada

If you want to connect with like-minded adult-development people from across the globe, while exploring your own stories through the ‘characters’ of your persona, you have to join Valerie’s Ghost Light program.  Not only does Ghost Light offer meaningful learning opportunities on a personal level (thank you, Valerie!), but also deep listening opportunities to understand others’ perspectives and gain a window into others’ sense making. That people were from different cultures and in different parts of the world helped me listen even more curiously and carefully; my world was opened as a result. If you want to go deeper yourself at the same time as going broader with your perspective-taking with others, sign up!

Kristen Cooper, New Zealand-based coach and leadership development specialist

I highly recommend the Ghost Light course to anyone working in coaching or leadership development. It gave me a playful and powerful metaphor for talking about shadow selves with my clients, which has given access to new depths in our work together. Under Valerie’s skillful facilitation, the course was as much about my own inner exploration as it was about bringing this work to others. This is, of course, essential for all of us in the helpful trades. I imagine I’ll take this course again in a few years and will keep returning to its content, as we are all infinite in our complexity!

Laurelin Whitfield, Coach & Facilitator, Founder, Mine the Heart

Valerie Livesay has composed a most insightful workshop to explore our innermost dynamics and how they shape our personal and professional lives. Through the use of stage and theater metaphors, Valerie’s approach helps to illuminate our myriad personas–all our internal characters vying for stage time. Every day we are confronted with an array of situations and scenes. Through Valerie’s framework, we examine those aspects of self through different contexts and have an opportunity to cast our own play, asking, “Who will land each part?” I enthusiastically recommend this workshop to anyone wishing to explore these dynamics and more through a focus on calling on our internal ensemble in the betterment of ourselves.


Tom Cesarini, CEO, Convivio, United States