Transitioning: Let Go to Let Come

Transitioning: Let Go to Let Come

Transitioning: Let Go to Let Come by Nick Owen It’s common to hear people talking about how to live a good life. Nothing wrong with that. But an equally important question is how to die a good death. And not just at the end of our life. Every time we go through some...

Action Inquiry

Action Inquiry Action inquiry is a lifelong process of transformational learning that individuals, teams, and whole organizations can undertake if they wish to become: increasingly capable of listening into the present moment from which the future emerges;...

Pete Lawry

Pete Lawry Peter is deeply committed to helping people awaken to their innate wisdom – seeing through the habits of conceptual framing and self-limiting stories. He is known internationally for his capacity to help leaders and leadership teams shift from egoistic...

GLA Consultancy

Global Leadership Consultancy Development can be described as occurring in two directions: horizontal and vertical development. They intertwine, each informing the other, but in general terms horizontal development enables us to become more skilful and adept at things...
An Everyday Inquiry

An Everyday Inquiry

An Everyday Inquiry by John Nicholson, GLA Coach Yesterday, I read a devotional in the morning which described ‘liminal space’ (‘an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where we can begin to think and act in new ways… we usually enter liminal space when our...