The Art of Layering

The Art of Layering

The Art of Layering by Anne Wolff, Executive Coach When asked recently how I talk about vertical adult development to my clients, the word that sprang to mind was ‘layers’. As we grow and develop as adults, we put on new layers. These are not so much layers of...
Applying Stages of Adult Developmental Thinking

Applying Stages of Adult Developmental Thinking

Applying Stages of Adult Developmental Thinking to Virtual Teams by Danny Morris We currently live in a world of remote, virtual teams enforced by the corona crisis. The world beyond the pandemic is uncertain but it’s likely that what it means to be part of a team...
The Trauma of Covid-19

The Trauma of Covid-19

Richard Izard, Managing Director of Global Leadership Associates and Board Chair of World Vision UK, shares his sense that Covid-19 is a genuine trauma and gives his top ten tips for leaders to navigate the pain. Introduction Many leaders that I speak to in these...