Education Overview

Education, Research, Resources Solid academic research is the foundation of the Global Leadership Profile Scientific Validity of the GLPThe GLP is based on Bill Torbert’s 40+ years of research. Torbert has been involved in testing the validity of several developmental...

Investing in Development

Investing in Development Every year huge sums of money are spent around the world on leadership development programmes. Estimates for the United States, for example, suggest a sum of around $14 billion US dollars per annum. Most of this outlay is focused on horizontal...

New Article by Bill Torbert

Launching on Monday 7th September! GLA's new article, 'Warren Buffet's and Your Own Seven Transformation of Leadership, written by Co-Founder & Director Emeritus, Professor Bill Torbert   Pre-register Below Professor Bill Torbert ANNOUNCING Publication of  a new...

William Torbert Article September 2020

New GLA Article "Warren Buffet's and Your Own Seven Transformations of Leadership" by William Torbert Professor Bill Torbert  New article “Warren Buffett’s and Your Own Seven Transformations of Leadership” This article is the 2020 update to Bill’s Seven...