Kirsty Leishman

Kirsty Leishman Kirsty Leishman is a highly respected coach and facilitator. She works alongside leaders and teams from global, FTSE organisations; public and health services as well as the voluntary sector. Whilst living in Highland Scotland Kirsty works with clients...

Jane Allen

Jane Allen Jane Allen – is an experienced international consultant and leadership coach working in public and private sectors. She provides advice and support for consultants working in the field of transformational organizational and leadership development with...

Podcast & Webinar Series

Podcast & Webinar Series The Origins and Reach of Action Inquiry with Bill Torbert Last year, Professor Bill Torbert led a series of podcast and webinar session based on The Origins and Reach of Action Inquiry. Bill read and discussed his pre-publication autobiography...
The Art of Layering

The Art of Layering

The Art of Layering by Anne Wolff, Executive Coach When asked recently how I talk about vertical adult development to my clients, the word that sprang to mind was ‘layers’. As we grow and develop as adults, we put on new layers. These are not so much layers of...

Privacy Policy

At Global Leadership Associates, we are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. Please click on the relevant links below to view our Privacy Policies. Privacy Policy – General Privacy Policy – Assessments (GLP, MyWorldView, Transformations...