The Global Leadership Profile: An Overview
Each of us is enacting our life at work and at home through a certain characteristic way of interacting and inquiring with others. This is our center-of-gravity leadership action-logic.
We call the eight most characteristic leadership styles of acting and inquiring that adults exercise: Opportunist, Diplomat, Expert, Achiever, Redefining, Transforming, Alchemical, and Ironic.

Seven Levels of Leadership

Our GLP measure, of which of the seven leadership action-logics a client currently works from, does not merely result in a label we authoritatively pin on the client from on high: instead, the process invites the client to do his or her own leadership action-logic diagnosis.
Development to the later leadership action-logics cannot be inculcated from the top down or the outside in, but rather require a person’s deepest motivation and most inventive strategizing to blossom.

This personalized analysis is at the center of a longer report that helps you understand:
- your center-of-gravity action-logic,
- your subsidiary and emergent action-logics,
- the actions and inquiries on your part that will contribute toward more timely and transformational action within the web of family, work, and voluntary systems