Take the GLP

The GLP Full Individual Profile Online
The Global Leadership Profile (GLP) invites you to respond to 30 sentence stems in an hour or less. This whole process will be set up for you and guided by one of our GLA associates or a certified GLP coach. You will simply complete the on-line form, following the instructions clearly laid out at the start.
Once you submit your form we will send you a Self Estimate document. This process of self-evaluating action-logics is an integral part of our approach, drawing as it does on your experience of yourself in-action. In working through this document you’ll also have the opportunity to gather feedback from colleagues; ask them to estimate your leadership action-logic.
Within 14 working days of our team receiving your 30 sentence stems, we will email a GLP Report to you
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All GLP Reports will include:
a) Your Centre-of-Gravity action-logic.
b) An overview of the prior and emergent action-logics.
c) A full description of the strengths and developmental challenges of your leadership action-logic
GLP Report Format: Options
You can choose between two types of report:
a) With personal commentary; you receive a 400+-word analysis of your approach to problem resolution; how you make sense of events, an analysis of your, distinctive, subsidiary and emergent action-logics; surfacing patterns that are uniquely yours and suggesting action and inquiries that may contribute towards more timely and transformational action.
b) Without personal commentary; you receive a report, detailing your centre-of-gravity, prior and emergent action-logics. This option is most typically chosen by those undertaking doctoral research.
The Global Leadership Profile and the GLP Report are now available in Spanish and can be translated, across a range of other languages, as required. For more information, for the Spanish version write to Veronica Menduina, veronica@veronicamenduina.com
Once you have completed your GLP we will organize for you to be debriefed.
A highly experienced coach will help you to:
- Understand the implications of your GLP from a personal, interpersonal and organizational perspective.
- Draw out your individual approach to problem resolution, surfacing emergent and fallback action-logics.
- Explore next steps in your development.
To arrange a debrief and work with one of our coaches contact us here at GLA through the contact form below and we will arrange your debrief either with one of our Principles or Associates, or, if you prefer, one of our certified, international debriefers.