Introduction to Vertical Development

Free Webinar



Introduction to Vertical Development

 Vertical development is rapidly becoming one of the most talked about topics in leadership development and organisational transformation. But what is it? And why is it important to individuals, teams, organisations and communities?

Join us for our free 1.5hrs webinar session looking at these very themes.

Designed for leaders, coaches and Learning & Development specialists, in this session we’ll:
* Explore your unique developmental journey using our new digital Transformation Cards *
* Discover stages of adult development – the “action-logics” that shape our thought and action *
* Gain insights into how valuable this is for navigating complexity and our VUCA world *
* Leave with clear next steps for how you or your organisation can continue your exploration of vertical development* 

Brought to you by Global Leadership Associates, specialist developmental coaches & creators of the ground-breaking vertical assessment, the GLP (Global Leadership Profile) which is based on over 50 years of research and real-world experience.

Free Webinar now booking for:

Tuesday 25th February at 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm UK. 

New dates coming soon! Contact to register your interest. 

Please click on the date above to book your place on this free 1.5 hours session. We look forward to welcoming you!